Thanks to so many of you who asked about Noah and/or sent us your well wishes, I really, really appreciate it.

This morning Noah's temp was still up, and while round his grandparents he was rejecting most food and all fluids. He spent most of the day going in and out of sleep on his Grandparents laps, not doing much at all.

So. Not. Noah.

However, since he's been home he's perked up a little. We've had a Code Brown (that's my boy) which appeared to make room for a tiny bit of food and he's guzzled some water. He's gone to bed quietly, without his narcotic fix, still running a slight temp, but better than before.

Dr's tomorrow pm, hoping it's nothing serious.
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1 Response
  1. Meredith Says:

    big hugs to noah and mummy...keep us posted!