Over at The Gallery this week, Tara Cain's theme is "Men". Since (apparently) I'm all bolshy and stuff, I'm going to change it to "(Boys to) Men". Because that's what they are.

The testosterone in my house is RIFE. D is in the Civil Engineering construction something or other industry, the boys will scream for anything with wheels, and so needless to say, there are (noisy) diggers, trucks, scoops, dump trucks, cars, buses, transporters and all manner of god-knows-what in the kiddos toy box.

This is my lovely hubs, Mocha Beanie Daddy, known to you as "D". I blame him. But he's bloody lovely, as some of you already know.

This is Isaac. He will lay his hands on whatever wheels he can get.

This is Noah. He is happy to just have them all lined out in front of him and then watch a bit of TV while he can.

Either way, they're happy to bare their chests, smile at the ladies, and play with cars.

And they're all soft enough for a snuggle on the sofa in front of the TV.